21 April
Tea Road map has been created
Guli xanim

Mamatova Mahfuza Bahriddinovna, a 3rd year doctoral student of the History Department of Karshi State University, is working on the research work for her dissertation on "Tea Road and its role in the socio-economic and cultural life of the Uzbek people", one of the unexplored topics of our history - the introduction of tea to Uzbekistan through the Tea Road, its widespread use as a favorite drink, based on various sources and new scientific literature, and studying the history of tea becoming a part of the daily life of our people as a national beverage.

She has proved on the basis of archeological sources that Tea was brought from China by the Sogdians in the VII-VIII centuries via the Tea Road, which indicates that tea was consumed in Central Asia long before Russia and Europe, South and West Asia.

In the VII-XV centuries, the Tea Road was formed within the Great Silk Road, while in the XVII-XIX centuries, the Tea Road did not lose its importance and thanks to Central Asian merchants, tea-drinking became popular culture while loading it in caravans to countries such as Iran, the Russian Empire, Afghanistan, and India.

Given that the Tea Road trade caravan route passed through Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, China, Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and India, today the Tea Road tourism should be introduced along this route. It is also important to develop teahouse tourism in Uzbekistan as one of the types of gastronomic tourism.

The teahouses are not only a place to eat and talk, but also an important setting in the social life of our people that promotes culture, holds various meetings for recreation, shares the news about their lives and discusses socio-political events. In the dissertation teahouse is defined as "a place for social communication" and analyzed as a setting for social dialogue.

On the basis of this research, in cooperation with the Gastronomy Tourism Association of Uzbekistan, the map "Tea Road" has been created.

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